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Love live in the moment each inhale is an invitation to our spiritual source. Each exhale is a release to Mother Nature

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Teach only the love, because it's what you are


mercredi, 13 décembre 2023

Symptômes de la montée de la Kundalini | C H R Y S A L Y D A

Teach only the love, because it's what you are

Focus on the third eye – the space between the eyebrows – and let the smiling energy gather there. Then you can let that smiling energy flow through into your brain, and then through all the organs of the body

A genuine smile transforms negative energy into loving energy that has the power to relax, balance, and heal. By learning to smile inwardly to the organs and glands, you will cause your whole body to feel loved and appreciated and to enjoy more Chi.

When you pray, you should stop pleading for something to be given to you.
 Rather, you should pray affirmatively,
I am thankful that you have granted my desire.

Harmony is a measure of Truth. Truth is a living presence in Life. To the degree we are in harmony with Truth is the experience of magic in our lives.

To Love Is To Share The Happiness of The Breath of Life, with. Joy is In The Voice of Love

Love Meditation can heal relationships with the positive, high Vibrational energy of love. Love Meditations can also enhance your relationships by creating loving energy that dissolves barriers to communication, sex, deeper meaningful bonding, understanding and appreciation of one another etc

I am here to express love. My purpose is to create more Love.

With each inhalation, I engender in my  heart the feeling of peace.

Inhalation: Love before me

   Hold Breath: Peace before me

 Exhalation: Light before me







A genuine smile transforms negative energy into loving energy that has the power to relax, balance, and heal. By learning to smile inwardly to the organs and glands, you will cause your whole body to feel loved and appreciated and to enjoy more Chi.

Blessing is effective in changing your life or getting what you want for three reasons: First of all, the positive focus of your mind stirs up the positive, creative force of the Power of the Universe. Secondly, it moves your own energy outward, allowing more of the Power to come through you. Thirdly, when you bless for the benefit of others instead of directly for yourself, you tend to bypass any subconscious fears about what you want for yourself, and also the very focus on the blessing acts to increase the same good in your life. What is so beautiful about this process is that the blessing you do for others helps them as well as you

Your personal vibration frequency could be the ONE thing holding you back from abundance, happiness and success.

You must first become the light-house to light world also, you should know that man is child of love and is originally pure, sinless and perfect, and must eradicate an inferiority complex from your personality, this constitutes the basis of your change.

Now Is The Moment Of Power. Radiate this love to your neighborhood, let all the love in the neighborhood come back to you.
Radiate this to the entire city, and back, to the country you live in, and back, to the entire planet, and back.
Go on with this love-breathing, and expand it onto the solar system, the galaxy, the universe..........

Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth To practice Unconditional Love is to see and love the Divine essence of absolutely everyone and everything without any exceptions, not only the superficial shell that is the temporal physical vehicle by which to experience earthly matter, but in particular the immortal Spirit within, the true image of God;

Now Is the Moment of Power. Radiate this love to your neighborhood, let all the love in the neighborhood come back to you. Radiate this to the entire city, and back, to the country you live in, and back, to the entire planet, and back. Go on with this love-breathing, and expand it onto the solar system, the galaxy, the universe........

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes. Focus on your universal heart chakra. Gather all the love you can feel, for yourself, others, the mineral and animal kingdom, all the people you know and have known – let this energy lighten up your heart chakra and see it with your inner eye glowing and growing.

"The joyful sharing of loving energy in the present moment. or  The joyful sharing of loving breath in the present moment "

To Love Is to Be Happy With (someone or something). Love Meditation can heal relationships with the positive, high vibrational energy of love. Love Meditations can also enhance your relationships by creating loving energy that dissolves barriers to communication, sex, deeper meaningful bonding, understanding and appreciation of one another etc.

Everyone has an innate desire to feel loved and accepted; it is a basic human need. When we do not know ourselves and we are not self-reliant, we are misguided towards looking to fill this need within us from outside sources

All Power Comes From Within. Pure Unconditional Love is the most powerful vibration, force, Energy, in the entire Universe, in all spheres of life and reality. Without the all-pervading power of Unconditional Love the entire Universe could not and would not exist.


Inhalation: Love before me

Hold Breath: Peace before me

Exhalation: Light before me


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